April 3, 2011

If you think there is more month left at the end of the paycheck you are right.

If you think there is more month left at the end of the paycheck you are right.

If you are starting to feel like you are working harder and have less to spend you are not alone. In fact wages have been flat, in some sectors of the economy even going down, while prices for food, gas, heating oil and other must have things is going up and up and up.

With 13.5 million americans out of work and the average workweek running just over 34 hours a week, that paycheck is not going to be getting larger anytime soon.

So what are your options?

Find a way to live on less. Yes it takes work but it is worth it in the long run.

First, work hard at getting out of debt and not taking on anymore debt. The less you have to pay in payments the more money there is left over for food and gas and to enjoy life. That may mean driving your car another year or two, rather then trading it in and buying a new one. It might mean downsizing your home to reduce your monthly payment. It will for sure mean putting away or better yet cutting up your credit cards and their 19.8% interest rates.

Second, adjust your expectations, No you do not need that new outfit, No you do not need a new LCD HD TV, No you do not need...well the list goes on and on. Find a way to do with out and you will need less money to live.

Third, change the way you shop for food, work out a menu and stick to it. Buy the food that is on sale, buy in bulk. Stop eating out, you can eat at home for a fraction of the price and eat better.

Fourth, don't go shopping, that is the best way to not spend money. It is in fact that simple, in you aren't in the store you won't be spending the money.

You can in fact beat the paycheck game, you just have to be playing it smart.

Cheap-O Economics

January 15, 2011

2011 - The Year Ahead

2011 we are all wondering what the year ahead has in store for us. We look back over 2010 and some of us are better off then we were a year ago, for a lot that is not the case. So what does the year ahead hold in store for us.

That is the Zillion Dollar Question. I have been reading the predictions of the political pundits and the Economists from the Right, the Left, the Center and some that are so far out they are not even in the ballfield, The one thing I notice, not a one of them has a clue, oh don't get me wrong, they can show projections, and charts, case histories, trends, but when it comes down to it, they don't have a clue, Even the best guessers are making less then good guesses.

So are interest rates going up, YES, they can't go down any further or they will be paying people to borrow. So once you hit bottom no place to go but up. The question is not if rates are going up,, but HOW much are they going up by. For a lot of home owners a 2% increase in interest rates would be devastating, a 4% increase would wipe them out. But you say, rates can't go up that much or that high, OH yea they can and have, check out the 19% mortgages that we around in the 1990's and how people walked away from their homes after their payment doubled, tripled or even quadrupled. My uninformed dumb luck worst guess, an increase in mortgage rates of about 2% by end of 2011.

The value of the Dollar??? Well the Canadian Dollar is a par with the US buck, and likely to be worth more as the year progresses. The US Greenback will suffer against other major currencies, BUT that could all change if one or more of the EU countries have a major meltdown and the Euro takes a hit.

Cost of Food and Fuel. Well given that China added 25 Million new cars last year and will add that many again this year and that India now has Middle Class population of 350 Million (roughly the same as the total population of the USA), the competition for quality food and protein will increase, and with more and more cars on the roads in Asia, the cost to the consumer of Food and Fuel is going to likely keep raising. Add to that weird weather, snow in Florida, floods here there and everywhere, who can even guess at how crop land and food production is going to be effected.

So plan on spending more at the service station and at Safeway, But, stores will have great specials once people are buying less, they have to keep their product moving and there are going to be some deals to be had. But you need cash on hand to grab those deals.

On that note, if you happen to have some extra money just laying around, there are going to be some great deals as stores dump inventory, as businesses go down the drain, as homes remain unsold (in 2010 there were more then a Million homes foreclosed on in the US those have to be resold to someone.), as luxury items are sold off by people reducing their debt and lowering their payments.

Employment outlook. Well in the US it is going to stay at the 10%+ unemployment range, and the longer it stays there the more and more people that won't be able to find a job. If you are a grad from college and you don't find a job in a year, guess what, next years grads are now looking for the same job you are. Statistically, the longer you are out of a job the less likely you are to get a job. Now there are a few Bright spots out there. Western Canada (not counting BC) is healthy and Saskatchewan has lots of jobs available. The clean up in the Gulf is going to create jobs. Major urban areas of the US, well don't hold your breath.

Then of course what are the political leaders in Washington, London, Ottawa, Mexico City and the other capitals going to do? Mess things up, of course. Do the worst possible thing, of course. Make matters worse, for sure. The one thing political leaders and their advisers forget is that all the theory and all the great plans won't work if no one can figure them out, and people are going to do what is in their best interest.

My suggestion, the same as it has been for the past couple of years. REDUCE, Reduce your monthly cost of living, reduce your debt, pay everything off, spend less, buy less. Reduce your dependence on a job.

DO grow your own food or at least some part of it, DO stock up on food when it is on sale, DO evaluate if you really need that gym membership, cable TV, Cell phones for everyone, 2 or 3 cars, a house that big.

Don't spend money you don't have, Don't use your Credit Cards for everyday living expenses, Don't incur any more debt, put off buying that new car or truck and NO you do not need or have to have that new wide screen LCD HDTV, or that new IPhone or that new whiz bang toy, Don't pay other people to do things you can do.

Oh and by the way, I don't have a clue, anymore then the rest of the people making predictions, my best guess is bases solely on what I see out the window and from making up my own mind after perusing the vast array of options expressed out there, BUT I do know that having taken the steps we have I can ride out things a lot better then most people.

Happy New Year
Cheap-O Economics