October 3, 2009

Welcome to Cheap-O Economics

Welcome to the Cheap-O Economics Blog

I am hoping that I will be able to provide a contrary and thought provoking look at money and how you earn it, how you spend it and what you save, invest and how you plan for retirement.

I have always looked at all these issues from many different angles. But it wasn't until I started to write articles for www.homestead.org that I formalized my thoughts. Out of the original article I have written several others relating to how to be a Cheap-O.

I am hopeing to provide some ideas for some homegrown, practical, cut to the chase, try to make sense, ways to become a cheap-o.

Often the ideas and the approach will run contrary to conventional wisdom. I hope that more then anything else I will challenge you to reexamine your ideas, and that you will question the experts and really take the time and effort to find out how it applies in your case.

Not everything I suggest or observe will apply to you. But take the time to read on. You may be surprised that you may start to think twice or three times about your spending choices or how and if you invest. You may find that you are questioning your friends and offering ideas that might be a bit off the wall to them.

If that is the case welcome to the club. The club of people that think for themselves and who look behind the headlines for the underlying story. People that make their choices based on what is important to their family and what works for them. People that are not the sheep, but who are the sheep dog. People who believe that you need to depend on yourself not on the government to look after you. People who are getting prepared for and capable of dealing with what ever life or mother nature throws at them. People that are returning to the idea of living sustainable and that happiness lays not in more things but in spending your time doing what you want.

I hope you will visit here often and that I can challenge you to think about how you think.

Jan R. Cooke
Cheap-O Economics

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