May 1, 2012

Coming Soon to a Service Station Near You!

As gas prices keep creeping up and up and up, and with summer vacation season fast approaching, when gas prices classically climb, we are getting to a point where the average family will soon be, if they are not already, spending more on putting gas in the family car then they do on there shopping trips to the grocery store.

With gas prices in parts of Canada at a high of $1.439 per liter and gas  running as much as $4.59 a gallon in San Francisco CA  and $4.69 in the Chicago area ( filling up the family car is becoming more and more costly.

The USA consumes 400 million gallons  of gasoline every day and a lot of that gas is spent getting to and from work, and getting family members where they need to be.

This would be a good time to step back and decide now what your plan of action is for the day in the not to distant future when you have to decide food or fuel, eat or walk to work, mac and cheese instead of steak so you can take the kids to school next week.

What trips can you cut out or double up on?  Can you walk or ride a bike?  Can you work from home at least a couple of days a week?  Can you arrange a car pool for work or school or sports?  Can you watch a movie at home rather then going to the theater?  Eat at home instead of eating out?

Things you can to to stretch your gas dollar.   Don't leave your car idling.  Check your air filter and make sure it is clean.  Check your air pressure in your tires.  Combine trip so you double and triple up on your trips in the car, use a shopping list so you can organize your outings and not have to run back to the store for that forgotten item.  Can you work longer hours on fewer days so you have to drive to work less often?

Cheap-O Economics

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