October 14, 2009

That is Cheap-O, not cheapskate

Yesterday I was listening to the radio. Charles Adler the radio talk show host was interviewing a guest and talking about cheapskates. I have to admit I had a pretty good laugh about some of the silly things we heard that the cheapskates did.

Today I want to clarify something. I am a Cheap-O, I am NOT a cheapskate.

My definition of a Cheap-O, is someone that is reserved and controlled in how they spend money. Who expects and gets full value out of every dollar. Who finds uses for what would otherwise be discarded items. Someone who lives in a sustainable way. Someone that knows that they, not the government are the best one to make the choices about their life and how they live. Make sure you read my article on "Being Cheap is Greener then Being Green."

I am the one laughing, as a Cheap-O I have money left over to give to charity. I can cut back on the hours I have to work to make ends meet. I can keep my money to speed on things that bring me satisfaction, as I am not speeding it on trivial things. I find pleasure in doing things for myself. In learning new skills, and in spending time doing the things I want to be doing and watching our grandkids grow up.

Don't ever confuse being a Cheap-O with a cheapskate. We are not cut from the same cloth.

Cheap-O Economics

1 comment:

  1. I like it, my wife says I'm not frugal, I'm cheap. That's a good thing. Proud to say you are my brother!
